Ten teams were left to fight for the coveted Aegis of Champions trophy, after yesterday’s startling TI5 results. Team Empire and Cloud 9 have already left the competition, while odds favorites, fan favorites, and every analyst’s sweetheart – Team Secret, were sent to the Lower Brackets. The third day of The International 5 is already over and only eight teams remained standing by the time it was over.
UPDATE (August 9):
Evil Geniuses are your TI5 champions! Grand Finals VODS, summaries, pictures and highlights: here.
With nothing short of intense games and unexpected TI5 results, the most prestigious Dota 2 championship of the year has already been one for the record books.
The third day kicked off with two best-of-three elimination series, as compLexity Gaming took on Virtus.Pro, and Team Secret went up against Invictus Gaming.
Invictus Gaming and compLexity Gaming, walked away from The International 5 when the dust settled.
Virtus.Pro eliminated compLexity Gaming after being down one game to start. The series between the two teams was filled with nonstop action and constant comebacks and swings in the momentum. Virtus.Pro have another opportunity to continue to advance towards their dream.
Team Secret also came back from a first game deficit against Invictus Gaming. The former TI champions had taken the first game from the event favorites, but Team Secret would come back in the second game with a quick and convincing victory, in less than 26 minutes, to show they were not ready to go home and eventually took the third game, as well.
The spotlight then moved towards four teams that have already guaranteed themselves at least a top-8 finish (+$800,000 each).
LGD Gaming faced their former “youth squad” – team CDEC, and Evil Geniuses went up against TI5 Chinese qualifier winners EHOME.
In a surprising twist of fate, Wild Card winners CDEC took the series, 2:0, rather easily from their former mentor team LGD. CDEC continue to impress with their aggressive plays and flawless execution and have secured themselves a place in the Upper Bracket finals.
Evil Geniuses and EHOME pushed the series to a deciding third game, in order to determine the winner. Evil Geniuses would bounce up again from their first game loss with a Techies pick in the second one and an incredible performance from SumaiL in the third one. Evil Geniuses will compete in the Upper Bracket finals, while LGD will fight to stay in the competition, in Lower Brackets.
TI5 brackets
TI5 results and summaries – compLexity Gaming (1:2) Virtus.Pro

Virtus.Pro © ESL
Game 1
compLexity Gaming went into the first game of the best-of-three elimination series fitted out with the meta favorites Gyrocopter and the Io-Bristleback combo. However, Virtus.Pro did a fantastic job at keeping the farm in check early on. They would quickly start pulling ahead in net-worth, kills and experience and had a great counter to an attempted smoke gank from compLexity, when they managed to take three of coL’s heroes down. compLexity were being crushed during the early game, but their team spirit appeared to have remained intact.
Around 18 minutes into the game, compLexity would find the space they needed to find their way back into the game after taking a four-for-one trade in their favor, followed by another three-man wipe on Virtus.Pro, only moments later. Before their comeback fight, the score was 19:4 in VP’s favor, and compLexity had only taken a single tower.
A trend that seems to be ever present with this particular North American team, compLexity always seem to refuse to give up. During the course of the game, compLexity were able to stage a comeback and even things out after being down 12.5K in gold, not only once, but two times. After their second comeback, compLexity would gain enough momentum and power to be able to push forward, take the lead and start taking the base.
Fifty minutes into the game, a team wipe in Virtus.Pro’s base would be enough for the CIS team to call “GG”.
VOD: compLexity vs. Virtus.Pro (Game 1)
TI5 results: compLexity steals the first game in the series and is leading Virtus.Pro, 1:0.
Game 2
compLexity would continue their momentum by taking the first blood and the second kill of the second game. Zakari “Zfreek” Freedman on Chen was able to pluck out his teammates and save them from certain death more than once.
The North Americans rook a convincing lead. However, at minute 23, VP sent a clear message that they were willing to do whatever it took to keep in the game, by using three ultimates on Queen of Pain to make the kill.
After a few good team fights, Virtus.Pro would start to build their way back up and gain strength, claiming more and more kills and gold. By 35 minutes, the game was almost reset back to even. Ilya “Illidan” Pivcaev found Chen in the trees and, in just one swift hit, the support hero was dead before he even knew it. With that kill, VP were now able to swing the advantage to their favor.
Wicked Sick: @TeamVirtuspro trailed by 7k gold at 20 min and have since outscored coL 17-5 in kills (17k gold swing) #TI5
— Nahaz (@NahazDota) August 5, 2015
The CIS team would continue to run with their new momentum and began to drive towards their goal of taking compLexity’s base and the win, pushing the series to a deciding third game. Alexander “DkPhobos” Kucheria would end with a flawless game on Darkseer, Illidan’s Lina would end up 15:6:11 and, despite being ill for the game, Sergey “God” Alexandrovich Bragin ended 10:5:4.
VOD: compLexity vs. Virtus.Pro (Game 2)
TI5 results: Virtus.Pro reminded compLexity that swings happen in both directions and made their own comeback to secure a win over the North American team, evening out the series, 1:1.
Game 3
Virtus.Pro took the first blood on compLexity. Eight minutes into the game, all three kills for VP were courtesy of God. In a convincing manner, VP would take kills and objectives all over the map.
About 35 minutes into the game, Kyle “swindlemelonzz” Freedman dropped his Euls that ended up getting destroyed by Artsiom “fng” Barshack.
A four-man wipe on compLexity would end the game. Another great performance by God and DkPhobos kept the CIS team alive another day, sending compLexity home.
VOD: compLexity vs. Virtus.Pro (Game 3)
TI5 results: Virtus.Pro come back from a one-game deficit to take the last two games and win the series, 2:1. compLexity has been eliminated and VP will continue in the Lower Brackets, securing their place as one of the last eight teams at The International 5.
TI5 results and summaries – Team Secret (2:1) Invictus Gaming
Game 1
As opposed to their draft from yesterday, which was not in their comfort zone, this time around Team Secret stuck with what has worked for them before: Shadow Fiend, Winter Wyvern, Storm Spirit, Tusk, and Chen. Invictus Gaming drafted Dark Seer, Lion, and Dazzle. They baited Secret into thinking they would not pick an Anti Mage and go with a carry Gyrocopter instead. Anti Mage ended up carry, and Gyrocopter went mid.
Arteezy drew first blood on Ferrari and would go 2K ahead of every other hero on the map by minute 9, when he picked up his Blink Dagger. Secret started farming both jungles quickly, playing map-control Dota, pushing IG all over the map, and taking towers. Thirteen minutes into the game, IG added their first kill onto the scoreboard, when Burning took down zai. They were being led by 5:1 in kills and Secret were already 10K ahead in gold.
At minute 22, after an excellent combo play, IG managed to take down one of Secret’s cores and buy a sliver of time for Burning, who was still hanging in there in terms of net-worth, 1K away from Secret’s Storm Spirit. Secret continued to ever slowly pull ahead, with a 15K advantage. IG’s team play continued to be off. Secret took down their top melee barracks. At minute 42, IG found their first good team fight. It ended up being a 2:2 trade, but that would be the moment when they started to come back into the game. Burning reached Arteezy from behind in net-worth, with 26K. Merely 5 minutes later, IG managed to hold their own once again without even losing racks and grabbed a 5K gold swing. Burning was topping the net-worth chart, 5K ahead of Arteezy.

© TrackDota
Secret were unable to break base and IG seized the momentum, as the lanes seemed to be headed the wrong way for Secret. The Chinese made sure they didn’t make any mistakes for Secret to capitalize on. At minute 52, Secret lost their melee racks and IG had managed a 30K gold swing. None of Secret’s heroes was a match for Burning’s Anti Mage. With buybacks on all their heroes and none whatsoever for Secret, IG went for highground and took the victory at minute 57.
VOD: Team Secret vs. IG (Game 1)
TI5 results: After disappointing group stage performances, Invictus Gaming stepped up for Secret and managed to prevail in the first game of the series. Team Secret are one game away from going home.
Game 2
The second game of the series would end with a 25-minute “GG” – which makes it the shortest game of The International 5 main event until now.
Team Secret went with Arteezy on Luna, s4 on Zeus, zai on Clockwerk, Puppey on Lina and Kuroky on Bounty Hunter. Invictus Gaming drafted a Shadow Fiend for Ferrari, Phantom Lancer for Burning, Dark Seer for Xi and Spirit Breaker for Chuan.

© TrackDota
Ferrari drew first blood on Kuroky, almost immediately after the game kicked off. Secret responded two minutes later and evened out the scoreboard. The game was even up until minute 7, when Secret started to pull ahead. Sixteen minutes in, the net-worth graph spiked tremendously upwards for Secret. By this point, three of IG’s towers had been taken down, and they were getting seriously outfarmed. Secret kept pushing their advantage, while IG did not have any reliable disables and focused on creating space for Burning’s Phantom Lancer.
Barely 23 minutes in, Puppey’s Lina completed the Aghanim Scepter, and Secret were displaying impressive map control and vision. IG had no chance to split-push, as Team Secret were already 20K ahead and putting late-game items on. They took IG’s middle melee barracks and middle range racks down and took it to the base early.
VOD: Team Secret vs. IG (Game 2)
TI5 results: Team Secret managed to even out the series and push it into a deciding third game.
Game 3
Heading into the deciding third game, Secret went for a Lina, Luna, Dark Seer, Shadow Shaman and Bounty Hunter lineup. Invictus Gaming picked Shadow Fiend, Clockwerk, Witch Doctor, Storm Spirit and Ancient Apparition and would draw first blood on zai’s Dark Seer, taking an early lead in terms of momentum. Eight minutes in, however, Arteezy managed to get a double kill onto the scoreboard and a lot of map control came out of his initiation for Team Secret. IG swung the charts after a good rotation picked off three of Secret’s heroes.
A spectacular fight occurred at the Roshan pit, 18 minutes in, when IG initiated a deny, but Secret pulled out their magic, took two of their cores down and managed to get the last hit of the Roshan. With only a 6K advantage for Secret, this still could have been any team’s game. At minute 22, IG’s Storm Spirit stole the Aegis out from under Secret, but ended up paying the price. Secret were taking all the opportunities to move ahead and were leading by 10K in net-worth.

© TrackDota
Merely two minutes later, IG managed to reduce their deficit by half. Secret engaged in a disastrous fight on the mid lane, losing Puppey, Arteezy and s4. Burning would take the lead in net-worth, sitting at 13K – 2.5K ahead of Arteezy. IG continued to play the split-push game. After a couple of back and forth exchanges and a perfect initiation coming out of zai at minute 30, IG were starting to run out of time, losing tower after tower.
Secret displayed perfect counter initiation and were ahead in all aspects of the game – farm, vision, map control – taking a 25K lead. Outmaneuvered, out-visioned, and outplayed, IG got team wiped at minute 38. This would be the beginning of the end for the Chinese team. Secret took another set of racks, increased their advantage by another 5K and went for the throne.
VOD: Team Secret vs. IG (Game 3)
TI5 results: Team Secret have eliminated former International champions, Invictus Gaming, and will move forward into the Lower Brackets.
TI5 results and summaries – LGD (0:2) CDEC
Game 1
Both teams started off the first game of the best-of-three Upper Bracket series with solid drafts, especially suited for heavy fights. LGD went for Shadow Fiend, Luna, Phoenix, Bane, and Dazzle, while CDEC picked Phantom Lancer, Lina, Dark Seer, Winter Wyvern, Tusk. Although the game appeared even early on, brimming with back and forth action across the map, former LGD youth squad, CDEC, started to pressure the Radiant jungle from the very beginning.
The key fight that would set the fate of the game occurred at minute 27. LGD took the Aegis, but Dark Seer’s clutch vacuum would help CDEC wipe six lives off of LGD. CDEC took the lead, showing stellar team fights and beautifully executed combo plays throughout the rest of the game. Meanwhile, LGD were in distress, not having enough solutions to clear CDEC’s illusions.
After a team wipe on LGD at minute 35, CDEC took bottom racks and the middle melee barracks. They were 20K ahead in gold and 10K ahead in XP, and Agressif was topping the net-worth chart by 20K – 2K ahead of LGD’s Maybe. A final team fight on top of Roshan bound the fate of LGD, as CDEC took game one of this Upper Bracket series.
VOD: LGD vs. CDEC (Game 1)
TI5 results: CDEC are leading LGD, 1:0. The winner of the series goes to the Upper Bracket Finals and is guaranteed at least 2 million dollars.
Game 2
Liu “Garder” Xinzhou would draw first blood on Lei “MMY!” Zengrong, as the former junior team started to foreshadow the aggression and perfectly executed plays that would follow.
Around minute 12, an ultra kill by Agressif would give CDEC the lead and a score of 9:3. LGD gaming were only able to secure two more kills after that point for the remainder of the game, as CDEC continued to impress with overly aggressive, flawless team-play.
An amazing rotation by CDEC saved Agressif at minute 22, taking hope away from LGD to gain a footing on the match. The Wild Card winners then continued to pick off LGD’s heroes one by one all over the map, without any mercy.
Every attempt from LGD was counter-played and there was just nothing that seemed to work out for them. Four of the top five heroes on the net-worth chart were from CDEC’s lineup – including the support Lina, which ended up being an incredible choice for CDEC, as Garder went 8:1:11 by the end. Another incredible game from Agressif – 11:2:8 on Phantom Lancer, and a flawless game from Huang “Shiki” Jiwei going 7:0:14 on Storm Spirit made CDEC unstoppable. A four-man wipe in base would end the game in just 32 minutes, with a score of 30:5.
VOD: LGD vs. CDEC (Game 2)
TI5 results: CDEC took the series, 2:0, and advanced into the Upper Bracket finals. LGD will now continue in the Lower Brackets.
TI5 results and summaries – Evil Geniuses (2:1) EHOME
Game 1
Evil Geniuses drew first blood by Syed Sumail “SumaiL” Hassan on Chen “Cty” Tianyu’s Storm Spirit. He was quickly saved by a shallow grave from Peter “ppd” Dager, only to be revenge-killed immediately upon the spell ending.
Despite the fairly even start to the game, EHOME would have over a 10K gold and experience advantage, by minute 20. Cty kept making kills all over the map, with ease. EHOME would assert their control and domination all over the place, giving little room for Evil Geniuses to maneuver.
Giving up only three kills in the entire game, EHOME dominated the game from start to finish, with flawless, perfectly executed plays. They ended the game in only 32 minutes, with a score of 22:3, after killing Clinton “Fear” Loomis at base, with no buyback.
VOD: EG vs. EHOME (Game 1)
TI5 results: EHOME take the first game of the series, without a struggle.
Game 2
Evil Geniuses drafted Techies for the second game of the series, in a very aggressive lineup. SumaiL took first blood, quickly answered with a revenge-kill from EHOME and then a follow up kill on bottom lane, on Fear. However, by minute 9, Evil Geniuses were winning all of their lanes and had the advantage.
The game slowed down a bit, with EHOME being cautious and Evil Geniuses farming away. With Roshan completely filled with mines, EG were able to easily take Roshan without any contest from EHOME. They then went towards base pushing aggressively and EHOME would call the GG after a team wipe.
After a superb, beautifully executed game by Evil Geniuses, they tied up the series and forced a deciding game three, after only 35 minutes, and a score of 20:9. SumaiL had a flawless game on his Ember Spirit and Fear would dominate with his Blood Seeker, but the Techies mines and presence made all the difference in this match.
VOD: EG vs. EHOME (Game 2)
TI5 results: Evil Geniuses tied up the series, 1:1.
Game 3
After banning Techies, EHOME chose a very stable, well rounded lineup, drafting Cty the Storm Spirit. As the teams settled into the laning phase, PPD drew first blood for Evil Geniuses by killing Bai “rOtk” Fan.
A smoke gank attempt by three of EHOME’s heroes on SumaiL would end unsuccessfully and the Chinese continued to search for an opening, as they were falling behind by 25 minutes into the game. Evil Geniuses were leading by 15K in net-worth and were 9:3 in kills, by minute 28.
On the back of SumaiL with some incredible plays shackles in the base during the last moments, EG would cause a four-man wipe at EHOME’s base at minute 43. The Chinese had no other option than to call “GG”.
SumaiL controlled all three lanes and the Phantom Lancer ended up 11:2:5. He was without a doubt the star of the match.
VOD: EG vs. EHOME (Game 3)
TI5 results: Evil Geniuses clinched the series, 2:1, and will continue to the Upper Bracket finals, while EHOME have dropped to the Lower Brackets.
TI5 Lower Brackets
TI5 Upper Brackets
TI5 schedule, day 4, August 6
TI5 main event format
Sixteen teams compete in a best-of-three double-elimination bracket, with a best-of-five grand final. Bracket placements were decided through group stage results. The first four Lower Bracket confrontations were best-of-one elimination series.
TI5 prize pool breakdown
The TI5 prize pool has reached a staggering total of $18,150,117.
TI5 main event streams*
- TI5 English streams: Main Channel, Stream 2, and Stream 3
- TI5 Russian streams: Main Channel, Stream 2, and Stream 3
- TI5 Chinese streams: Main Channel, Stream 2, and Stream 3
- TI5 YouTube live-streams will also be available: English, Russian
- Dota 2 fans can also catch all the games broadcasted live in 1080p, at 60 frames per second, on the DotaTV streaming platform. The platform features real-time stats, graphs, match data and more intuitive analytics.
- The Newcomer Show – a once-a-day show that is tailor-made for people who are new to Dota 2, with live commentary designed for those who want to learn the basics of the game.
- Other streams: Pod #1, Pod #2, Main Hall
*According to the TI5 schedule, the Main Event broadcasts start every day, August 3rd through 8th, at 19:00 CEST.
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