January 14th, 20161DotaPit Season 4 America slot was awarded to compLexity Gaming. The NA team was sitting in the first place position as the groupstage wound up. Digital Chaos and...
January 14th, 20160StarLadder iLeague StarSeries LAN groupstage started out with twelve teams looking to gain the first day advantage and lead. With the first major LAN championship title...
January 13th, 20160ProDota Cup Season 2 is ready to get things started for the second season. Both STARK and EWOLVES will return for a second chance to claim victory. Weeks after the first...
January 12th, 20160StarLadder iLeague had a last minute change of plans in lineup. Due to the inclement weather in Minsk, Belarus, Alliance was stranded in Frankfurt, Germany and unable to...
January 12th, 20161DotaPit Season 4 Europe Groupstage kicks off today. The first match of the Groupstage will take place between STARK and HellRaisers. Four teams from the three regions -...
January 12th, 20160The Spring Major has already been announced to be held in Maila, Philippines in early June. The SEA location will round out the final stop for the first year of majors...
January 11th, 20161The Shanghai Major Qualifiers have come to an end after four exhausting days jam-packed with over 200 games. With all the action occurring around the clock it was easy...
January 11th, 20160Elements Pro Gaming have disbanded after sub-par performances during the Shanghai Major European Qualifiers. The qualifiers that took place between January 7-10 yielded...
January 11th, 20164Dota 2 Reborn has surpassed 1,000,000 - yes, that's one million, concurrent users recently. The surge in popularity comes after a steady rise in users since September's...