September 16th, 20151The International 5 awarded a prize pool of $18,429,613. More than 4.5 million people watched the championship's grand finals. With all the glitz and glory that is often prominent ever since The International has become the biggest event in the esports history, it's easy to forget about the other side that exists behind the scenes. A...
August 18th, 20152Jesse "JerAx" Vainikka has not renewed his contract with MVP.Hot6 and will be leaving Korea. The announcement was made on the Finnish player's Twitter page. Details about JerAx's future plans have not yet been disclosed.
August 17th, 20152Lee "kYxY" Kong Yang, Siong "JoHnNy" Tait and Fadil "Kecik Imba" bin Mohd Raziff have been released from Fnatic's Dota 2 squad. kYxY and JoHnNy did not wait for the organization to make an official announcement and disclosed the information first, on their Twitter and Facebook pages. Fnatic have later confirmed the news, stating that...
August 13th, 20150Five days have passed since The International 5 has come to an end. Evil Geniuses defeated CDEC, 3:1, in the grand finals to grab the prestigious Aegis of Champions. The astounding prize pool of over $18 million dollars, the first ever Wild Card team to make it to the grand finals and the first North American team to be awarded The...
August 11th, 201518Sources close to London Conspiracy have confirmed for DotaBlast that the Dota 2 squad has left the British organization. Greg "Keyser Soze" Kallianiotis, Omar "Madara" Dabasas, Xaris "SkyLark" Zafiriou, and Giannis "SKANKS224" Theodoridis have decided to move forward together, without Giorgos "SsaSpartan" Giannokopoulos on the roster.
August 11th, 20157ViCi Gaming came in fourth at The International 5 and walked away with $1.5 million. However, to say that results are all that matter would be a misconception and definitely an inequity to ViCi Gaming's TI5 performance. During their 5-day main event run, they displayed some of the most spectacular plays of the entire tournament.
August 7th, 20150The odds on betting sites across the web favored Team Secret to win The International 5 by a large margin. As odds favorites, fan favorites, and every analyst’s sweetheart, they were mandated to deliver and take home the Aegis this year. Nothing short of the championship title would have been good result for them. That considered, it...
August 5th, 20150The third day of The International 5 is already upon us and only eight teams will remain standing by the time it's over. compLexity Gaming, Virtus.Pro, Team Secret, and Invictus Gaming fight to stay in the competition. In the Upper Brackets, LGD will face their former youth squad, CDEC, while Evil Geniuses will go up against EHOME.
August 5th, 20151The first leads of information regarding the vague, yet highly anticipated first Dota 2 Major have surfaced at TI5. Valve's Erik Johnson has disclosed for IGN that the first Dota 2 Major - expected to take place this fall, will be held in Europe.
August 3rd, 20151Zakari "Zfreek" and Kyle "swindlemelonz" Freedman exemplify the bonds of brotherhood, extending and capitalizing on their relationship to bring success in their professional gaming careers. After multiple achievements together in Heroes of Newerth, the Freedman brothers set out to exceed their previous accomplishments in Dota 2. Within...