March 12th, 20171Team NP have emerged victorious and undefeated heading into NA Kiev Major qualifier playoffs. Team NP, compLexity, Team Freedom and Team Onyx have advanced to the NA qualifier playoffs after two days of group stage matches. The four teams are heading into the home stretch to fight for the only spot available in the Kiev Major. The first...
March 10th, 20170The second round of the Kiev Major NA Open Qualifiers has come to an end. Fire and is GG have landed the last Kiev Major NA Regional Qualifiers available spot, after coming out on top in the brackets. The Kiev Major NA Regional Qualifiers starts Friday, March 10th.
Fire Dota secure a slot in the Kiev Major NA Qualifier. Congrats....
March 8th, 201739The first round of the Kiev Major NA Open Qualifiers has come to an end. compLexity Gaming and Wheel Whreck have secured their spots in the regional qualifiers after a coming out ahead of their peers. Two more teams will advance. The second round of Open Qualifiers starts today, March 8th.
Kiev Major South American Qualifier Winners....
March 5th, 20170Four months later, several teams including coL, Alliance, Team NP, the organizers and talent lineup have yet to be paid for their involvement in the Northern Arena BEAT Invitational. The first large Dota 2 LAN event taking place in Canada was completed on November 13th, just prior to the Boston Major. Reports indicate that while there is...
February 13th, 20170The DAC 2017 Americas qualifiers have highlighted Team NP as the North American team to keep an eye on. With their decisive sweep over Digital Chaos 2:0, they will travel to Shanghai China in late March to compete as one of 12 teams for the $500,000 base prize pool for DAC 2017.
Hard work pays off. See you at DAC 2017!...
February 8th, 20170DAC 2017 qualifiers group stage has finished for the four regions - Americas, SEA, Europe and CIS. A total of 24 teams began the battle for the one spot per region for DAC 2017 LAN event in Shanghai, China March 28 - April 4th. Only four teams per region remain - only one team per region will be left standing by February 13th. SEA and...
February 4th, 20172Starladder iLeague StarSeries S3 Americas Qualifier was forced into a tie breaker in order to declare a winner. Team NP and Digital Chaos went head to head for the one coveted spot for the main event later this month. When the dust settled, Digital Chaos had emerged as victors. The North American based team joins Wings Gaming, VGJ,...
January 26th, 201752The real-life Armand Pittner is quite a character, with his little idiosyncrasies and quirks.
Terrified of earthquakes, he sometimes mentions in passing that he doesn't think he'll live to be 30, only to crack up at the horrified reactions he gets from people around him. He enjoys going to the cinema alone. He's a disciple of the...
January 25th, 20170Pittner "bOne7" Armand has been announced as the new coach for Team NP for the remainder of the Kiev Major season. The Romanian player has a longstanding and close history with Team NP members as well as a successful history of competitive play and popularity. Team NP is looking to get in better shape with the new meta before major LAN...
January 8th, 20171ESL One Genting 2017 playoffs have now been decided following the last day of the group stage. Newbee, Wings Gaming, Virtus.Pro and Digital Chaos have all advanced into the playoff stage to compete for the championship title. Fnatic, Warriors Gaming.Unity, Execration and Team NP have all been eliminated in the group stage. Action resumes...