The most anticipated time of the year has finally begun, with teams and personalities from all over the world converging at the Dota 2 epicenter, in Seattle, Washington, for The International 5. Let’s catch a glimpse of the moments leading up to TI5.
UPDATE (August 9):
Evil Geniuses are your TI5 champions! Grand Finals VODS, summaries, pictures and highlights: here.
An air of electricity and intense excitement is beginning to descend onto Seattle, as the pinnacle of all Dota 2 tournaments approaches. In only four more days, the first phase of TI5 will begin with theWildCard series, featuring the four contenders: MVP.Phoenix (SEA region), Vega Squadron (Europe), CDEC (China) and Team Archon (Americas). Only two of those teams will get to compete in the main event, alongside the 10 invited teams and four qualified ones: Team Secret, Team Empire, Evil Geniuses, Newbee, LGD, ViCi Gaming, Fnatic, compLexity, Cloud 9, MVP.Hot6ix, Virtus.Pro, Na’Vi and EHOME starting July 27th.
With a total prize pool of over $17,000,000, and still growing, emotions are running high.
TI5 teams arrival
The 18 participating teams have started to land at the Seattle airport and make their way to the hotel. While Cloud 9 and Virtus.Pro were already on site beginning their preparations, Invictus Gaming is heading out today. All of the other 15 teams have already arrived safely.
- EHOME arrives in Seattle
- MVP.Phoenix arrive in Seattle
- Vega arrive in Seattle
- Fnatic arrive in Seattle
- Team Secret arrive in Seattle
- compLexity Gaming
- ViCi Gaming arrive in Seattle
- Team Archon arrive in Seattle
- Na’Vi arrives in Seattle
- LGD on their arrival in Seattle, for The International 5
- Evil Geniuses arrive in Seattle
- CDEC arrive in Seattle
- Team Empire arrive in Seattle
- Dota 2 teams head to hotel
- Newbee upon arrival in Seattle, for TI5
- Team Secret heading to Hotel TI5
Click on one of the pictures to open the gallery.
TI5 talent and personalities arrive in Seattle
Talents and personalities are also beginning their travels or have already arrived. Jorien “Sheever” van der Heijden, having arrived earlier, has been lending a helping hand to the staff at the hotel, getting the attendees checked in and situated. Toby “TobiWan” Dawson, Austin “TheCapitalist” Walsh and William “Blitz” Lee are enroute now with preparations in hand. The majority of the other talent will arrive during the next few days.
- Sheever helping out at TI5 check in
- Toby, Blitz, Capitalist head out to Seattle
- TI5 caster prep
Click on one of the pictures to open the gallery.
- Na’Vi at dinner in Seattle
- CyborgMat, V1lat, Ineska, Moose, Sheever at TI5
- Na’Vi get their local phones
- Local Phones for TI5
Click on one of the pictures to open the gallery.
TI5 practice and accommodation
Valve has always set the bar high for tournament quality and player accommodation. This year is no exception, as they continue to spare no expense for the teams. Each team has their own private practice room, completely set up to accommodate all of their practice needs, including top notch networking and rigs, and customized chairs. Some of the teams that have arrived earlier – such as Cloud 9 and Virtus.Pro, have already been using their redesigned spaces and getting a start on honing their skills in the last days before the event.
- Cloud 9 practicing at TI5
- TI5 Team Secret Red Bull delivery
- TI5 practice rooms
- TI5 custom chairs
- bOne7 practicing at TI5
- TI5 Team Secret Set up
- Virtus.Pro practicing at TI5
- Team Secret TI5 practice room
- TI5 Rigs
- Virtus.Pro practice room TI5
Click on one of the pictures to open the gallery.
Photo Credits: Team Secret, Dota 2, PPD, Eternal Envy, Sheever, V1lat, AUI_2000, Tobiwan, fng, Moose
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