March 6th, 201613The Shanghai Major nightmare in terms of production, planning, coordination, and communication has been acknowledged by Valve. A $3,000,000 tournament of such magnitude should not have had such persistent technical and organizational problems. Valve has vowed to take a more involved approach moving forward, as an effort to prevent...
February 27th, 20164KeyTV has been fired by Valve after two days of incessant production problems disrupting the Shanghai Major Groupstage. The list of problems includes - significant starting delays, hours of downtime, horrible sound quality, bad lighting, technical issues, and lack of communication. The pronouncement comes one day following the dismissal...
February 26th, 20166James "2GD" Harding, the host of the Shanghai Major, was fired mid-series on the second day of the Shanghai Major group stage. According to Harding's social media reports, he was fired during the Team Secret vs. ViCi Gaming series, in the two-hour pause time, and the decision was made by Valve, not Perfect World. Harding was invited to...
January 28th, 20160The Shanghai Major talent and broadcast teams were revealed by Valve with the release of the Winter 2016 Battle Pass, featuring the Shanghai Major compendium.
Included in the team are 18 casters, analysts, observers and stats staff to cover both the group stages and the main event.
The Shanghai Major will take place between March...
May 25th, 20154Last night, when the TI5 Qualifiers Mega Hub lounge stream went live, we were expecting to see sleeping kittens. Instead, we were treated to some exquisite footage of James "2GD" Harding sleeping.
May 14th, 20150Dota 2 personality, caster and statistician Bruno "Statsman" Carlucci has announced that he accepted a position as a software engineer at Valve, and will no longer be on the community side of the scene.
April 20th, 20150Could this be the return of GD Studios? James "2GD" Harding is asking for fans to create or provide posters for their new wall being built, adding that the GD team is finishing off the new studios. Anticipated completion date is Friday, April 24t, one day before the announced live show featuring newly formed FACEIT Pro League.