February 15th, 20161DotaPit League Season 4 is beginning to wind down as Na'Vi clinched their place for the LAN playoffs scheduled in Split, Croatia at the Spaladium Arena March 19 and...
February 14th, 201629Vision Summit 2016 was held in California February 10-11th. The conference was geared towards engine manufacturers and developers to showcase the new technology of...
February 14th, 20161MasGamers Dota 2 Pro League in Peru is getting ready for a new season. This iteration will feature a prize pool of 15,000 Peruvian soles (approximately $4,280). The...
February 13th, 20160NoShang Invitational bid farewell to Team Empire. The CIS team has withdrawn from the event. Their departure comes after losing their first series 0:2 to COOKISS. The...
February 11th, 20161GameOn Invitational pronounce ATN champions of their inaugural Dota 2 event. ATN bested the Greek squad, Ad Finem, 2:1 in the grand finals. Both teams were directly...
February 11th, 20160ESL One Manila confirms Team Secret's participation in the event after all. Originally it was reported that Team Secret had declined the invite that was extended to...
February 10th, 20160ESL One Manila format and schedule have been publicized, revealing some minor changes to both. The format will now consist of a GSL style group stage and the event will...
February 10th, 20161ProDota Cup 3 is already underway. The third installment of this event will see sixteen invited teams competing for a $5,000 prize pool. Changes for the US region...
February 10th, 20160NoShang Invitational tournament will kick off tonight featuring a $10,000 prize pool and sixteen invited teams. The European event will showcase teams that had competed...