The highly anticipated first day of the TI5 Europe qualifiers has come to an end with some surprising results to kick off the four day long series.
UPDATE (August 9):
Evil Geniuses are your TI5 champions! Grand Finals VODS, summaries, pictures and highlights: here.
Alliance ended their best-of-two series with draws, Na’Vi pulled off an over 80-minute long game – the longest in the TI5 qualifiers until now, and underdogs London Conspiracy and Yellow Submarine surprised everyone with their strong plays and upsets.
TI5 Europe Qualifiers day 1 results
Match Points
- Matches are best-of-two series.
- If a team wins 2-0, they receive 3 points.
- If the match goes 1-1, each team gets 1 point.
- Top two teams will advance to a double elimination bracket.
TI5 Europe Qualifiers streams
The TI5 Europe qualifiers are broadcast in English as part of the “Mega Hub” coverage provided by Twitch and the PGL studios. The Mega Hub coverage brings 35 Dota 2 personalities under the same roof.
The following Twitch channels provide 24/7 coverage of all the matches:
- Main casting stream: TI5sange
- Secondary casting stream: TI5yasha
- Third casting stream: TI5skadi
- Lounge stream: TI5mango
The TI5 Europe Qualifiers series will end on June 1.
TI5 Europe Qualifiers, day 1, Group A
Alliance vs. 4ASC

Alliance, during StarLadder 12
Alliance went with one of their favorite strategies Shadow Demon- Slardar-Dazzle, but the Finnish team was able to play around it by not getting caught in the combo and not feeding too many kills to them. Alliance struggled to find the farm they needed, except for Henrik “AdmiralBulldog” Ahnberg who had a really great game. Lasse “MATUMBAMAN” Urpalainen’s Leshrac was out of control with both him and Sampsa “nemphy” Kutvonen on Shadow Fiend leading the networth chart almost the entire time. 4ASC’s stronger late game heroes paired with a better start gave them the edge they needed to take the first game.
Winner: 4ASC
The second game was heavily one-sided in favor of Alliance, as they dominated the Finnish who made the mistake of giving AdmiralBulldog Furion. Alliance’s lineup was designed for chasing and hunting, which is exactly what they did, driving the kill score to 45:9. 4ASC did not have the right heroes to protect themselves from Alliance’s aggression and the game was over in 33 minutes.
Winner: Alliance
Points: 4ASC 1, Alliance 1
Ninjas in Pyjamas vs. Burden United

Ninjas in Pyjamas
In the first game, Burden United picked one of Weh Sing “SingSing” Yuen’s favorite heroes, Ember Spirit, combined with a Leshrac-Io on top of it, which seemed to be the ideal weapon against the Swedes. Meanwhile, NiP were struggling to fight the tanky lineup as they had four squishy heroes and Void was having a hard time finding good chronospheres. NiP became outfarmed and were getting picked off here and there, ultimately losing the game in only 36 minutes.
Winner: Burden United
The second game was much better for NiP, as they seemed better prepared strategically for Burden’s lineup. They patiently waited things out, stalling the game for Phantom Lancer to gain his needed farm and for Chen and Spirit Breaker to fall off in the late game. The game was relatively even between the two teams until the late game, when NiP were able to capitalize on their strategy and push through for the victory.
Winner: NiP
Points: Burden United 1, NiP 1
Burden United vs. Alliance

SingSing, back when he was still a part of Team Tinker
In this game, one of the breaking points was that Jonathan “Loda” Berg stole the Aegis. The game was pretty even but after mid game it started to go in favor of Alliance due to the track kills from Bounty Hunter. With Alliance having so much vision, they did not give Batrider the openings Burden United needed. Slowly but steadily, Alliance closed out the first game with the win.
Winner: Alliance
The early game did not go well for Burden United, as Alliance completely shut down SingSing. Depsite the kill difference being almost even, the game was always in favor of Burden United after the first 10 minutes. Leshrac and Chaos Knight were pretty farmed, Burden United had the right way to deal with them, having three heroes that do well verses illusions: Queen of Pain, Ember Spirit and Bristleback. Burden were able to even out the series in just under an hour.
Winner: Burden United
Points: Alliance 1, Burden United 1
4ASC vs. Power Rangers

Trixi, 4 Anchors and Sea Captain
Everyone from 4ASC had a really good game. Power Rangers had heroes that were both tanky and mobile and were at a disadvantage the entire game. The game came out of their hands pretty quickly, as all of the cores on 4ASC were becoming heavily farmed, including Keeper of the Light. Meanwhile, the PR supports in Power Ranger were poor and under-leveled. The game was over in 33 minutes.
Winner: 4ASC
Another disastrous game for Power Rangers, who were outdrafted for the second time. They didn’t have good heroes to counter Phantom Lancer, Viper and Leshrac. The only decent hero on PR’s lineup was Storm Spirit, but he didn’t have a good enough game to make an impact. The game was over in only 38 minutes.
Winner: 4ASC
Points: 4ASC 3, Power Rangers 0
TI5 Europe Qualifiers, day 1, Group B
Na’Vi vs. London Conspiracy

SsaSpartan, London Conspiracy
Na’Vi picked Bloodseeker for Gleb “Funn1k” Lipatnikov and a TI3 pick of Tiny-Io-Puck combo. With the new meta changes, this did not work well for the Ukranian team. London Conspiracy – widely regarded as underdogs in this series, were able to dominate Na’Vi. Both Shadow Fiend and Leshrac became very farmed and troublesome for Na’Vi. London Conspiracy were able to come out on top and take the victory.
Winner: London Conspiracy
Na’Vi started the second game with Daniil “Dendi” Ishutin dominating. The Ukrainians played very aggressively until mid game. Starting then, London Conspiracy began using their mid-late game heroes effectively, counter ganking and responding to Na’Vi’s attacks, while Phantom Lancer was able to finally start joining his team for fights. London Conspiracy were able to take the second game in 44 minutes.
Winner: London Conspiracy
Points: London Conspiracy 3, Na’Vi 0
Vega Squadron vs. HellRaisers

Mag, Vega Squadron
Vega Squadron totally dominated HellRaisers with some amazing plays. The way they played around with Ursa made it impossible for HellRaisers to do anything. With over 20 kills and 0 deaths, Ursa was unstoppable, especially to HellRaisers’ already squishy lineup, that lacked any burst damage. Vega Squadron took the first game with a staggering 41 kills in 41 minutes.
Winner: Vega Squadron
Although the first game was dominated by Vega Squadron, the second one was a disaster for them. The Drow-Visage lineup coming from HellRaisers against Vega’s lineup that was more suited for late game was the key factor that allowed HellRaisers to run-over Vega Squadron so early in the game without a chance. The game was over in 21 minutes with a score of 13:1.
Winner: HellRaisers
Points: Vega 1, HellRaisers 1
London Conspiracy vs. Yellow Submarine
Early game was even with a slight advantage for Yellow Submarine, until they hit mid game, when they were able to continue to build their momentum significantly towards the end. At one point, TideHunter had the most kills in the game for a while, with a score of 10:1. The Russian qualified team dominated the Greek squad from the beginning and swiftly ended the game in 32 minutes.
Winner: Yellow Submarine
Yellow Submarine were able to draw first blood. The early game was even between the two teams with trades in kills and farming being shared. About mid game, Yellow Submarine started to pull ahead. They were able to consistently win the team fights taking multiple kills easily and marching into barracks. The game was over in 30 minutes.
Winner: Yellow Submarine
Points: Yellow Submarine 3, London Conspiracy 0
Na’Vi vs. HellRaisers

Dendi, during last year’s D2CL LAN finals
Na’Vi had a rough start to the qualifying series today. Although Na’Vi secured first blood, it was at a 2:1 trade cost, with both kills going to Luna on the top lane. That ended up giving HellRaisers a small lead. Na’Vi did well in the laning phase and then transitioned into a strong mid game with many pick-offs, good team fights and the broodlings pushing the towers quickly. The game was over in 28 minutes with HellRaisers having no way to stop the push or contend with the farmed cores.
Winner: Na’Vi
Second game was action packed, with amazing plays by Akbar “SoNNeikO” Butaev on Shadow Demon. The early game was fairly even, with Na’Vi taking the lead in the mid game, losing a bit around minute 38, as they attempted to take barracks. A few good fights from HellRaisers outplaying Na’Vi changed the momentum and the advantage shifted towards HellRaisers. Noteworthy is the amazing Aegis steal from SoNNeikO while invisible, never breaking his invisibility as he stole it and then quickly TP’d out. Despite being behind on all of the charts across the board, Na’Vi were able to continue to defend base well enough and push out to take the win in a qualifiers record long game of 80 minutes.
Winner: Na’Vi
Points: Na’Vi 3, HellRaisers 0
Na’Vi vs. Vega Squadron
First blood went on the way of Vega Squadron but Na’Vi had a comfortable lead in the early and mid game, thanks to some amazing Puck plays by Dendi and their Bloodseeker pick. The Ukrainians were able to close out the game in 26 minutes, a very quick and short game after the 80-minute game they had before versus HellRaisers.
Winner: Na’Vi
Vega Squadron secured the first blood on the bottom lane, but things started to quickly fall apart for them, when they lost their ancient stack and their courier about eight minutes into the game. It wasn’t until about mid game though that Na’Vi would start to take control and the advantage fully. Towards the end, it seemed almost as if Na’Vi might be losing it all, but the Ukrainians were able to make an incredible recovery and retain their lead to end the game at 73 minutes.
Winner: Na’Vi
Points: Na’Vi 3, Vega 0
Yellow Submarine vs. HellRaisers

Dread, HellRaisers
Incredible fights by Yellow Submarine, showing resiliency and confidence. The game was very even at the beginning, with HellRaisers taking a steady, albeit slight lead until about 40 minutes into the game. After a few mistakes by HellRaisers and much aggression from YeS, Yellow Submarine forced a turn in the game and took the victpry in 50 minutes.
Winner: Yellow Submarine
YeS started aggressively with a failed smoke gank attempt and then secured the first blood. With the multiple Huskar deaths and losing on both the bottom and the mid lane, the game quickly started to stack in favor of HellRaisers and turned into a complete stomp for Yellow Submarine. YeS quickly called for the end of the game, at minute 14.
Winner: HellRaisers
Points: YeS 1, HellRaisers 1
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