June 17th, 20150Following the departure of Jio “Jeyo” Madayag and Michael “ninjaboogie” Ross, Mark "cast" Pilar has announced that the three remaining team members will part ways with the South Korean organization Rave and will reassemble with a new roster and team name soon.
June 6th, 20150After 192 physical hours of nonstop game play and a whirlwind of excitement, disappointment and exhaustion, The International 5 qualifiers have ended, leaving us with a couple of lessons to embrace.
May 25th, 20154Last night, when the TI5 Qualifiers Mega Hub lounge stream went live, we were expecting to see sleeping kittens. Instead, we were treated to some exquisite footage of James "2GD" Harding sleeping.
May 24th, 20150For the 40 teams taking part in the qualifiers, the road to The International 5 is getting steep. TI5 Chinese Qualifiers lead off on May 25, at 04:00 CEST, at the Automobile Exhibition Center in Shanghai.
May 23rd, 201523This year brings about a change in TI5 VIP upgrade process, whereas upgrade eligibility will be drawn randomly from event attendees that have linked their tickets to their steam accounts.
May 22nd, 20150For The International Qualifiers 5 this year, Beyond the Summit, JoinDota and GDStudios have all joined forces to cover every game from each of the regions.
TI5 qualifiers coverage hub is announced! Will be part of it with lots of awesome people: http://t.co/gW1VvgAwF2— Troels Nielsen (@syndereNDota) May 21, 2015