October 22nd, 20157Peter “wayto” Nguyen and Michael “MJW” Nguyen have parted ways with compLexity Gaming. The organization's Dota 2 squad will try out potential replacements in the following weeks.
September 6th, 20150The Dota 2 scene gets a new sizable tournament. The Game Show Global Esports Cup will award a total of $1,000,000 in cash, over the course of three seasons scheduled to take place in 2015-2016. Game Show have released details about the first season of the Global Esports Cup.
September 1st, 20150After their previous Dota 2 squad disbanded on August 14th, Cloud 9 have decided to pick up the North-American team "Dark Horse", just in time to meet the registration deadline for the first Dota 2 Major. The announcement about the Cloud 9 new roster was made by the team's captain, Theeban "1437" Siva, on his Facebook page.
August 26th, 20151ESL has released information about the North American Open Qualifier for their upcoming ESL One New York event, scheduled to take place this fall, between October 3-4, at the Madison Square Garden. ESL One New York Open Qualifiers were already held for Europe and Southeast Asia with north America being the last and final region. Sign-up...
August 18th, 201554Two well-known North American League of Legends teams - Imagine and Odyssey - have merged into a multi-gaming organization. The new assembly, Team Imagine, has signed Team Leviathan as its Dota 2 squad, and is looking to move into Hearthstone and Rocket League as well.
July 9th, 20150Dreamhack will be expanding its reach outside of Europe for the first time ever, bringing the festival to Austin, Texas in North America. The event is planned to be held at The Austin Convention Center in Texas, from May 6-8, 2016.
July 1st, 20150BTS Americas kicks off today, at 17:00 PDT. Sixteen North and South American teams will compete for a $10,000 prize pool, over the course of three weeks.
May 4th, 20152Michael "ixmike88" Ghannam has announced he will be standing in for the NA representatives, Summer's Rift, during the Red Bull Battle Grounds 2015 offline playoffs in Santa Monica, from May 5 to May 7. ixmike88 will replace James "Miraclechipmunk" Poguireitchik.
April 24th, 201533The International 5 is quickly approaching and the invite and qualifier criteria and predictions are on everyone's minds. While Valve has maintained a tight lipped stance on the details surrounding their process of selection, a matter of speculation into the factors produces much discussion, debate and questions.
April 22nd, 20150With TI invites and qualifiers around the corner and many major LAN tournament qualifiers underway, the issue has been raised about team regional status and what criteria is used to determine appropriate placement of teams.