October 10th, 20150The last teams have made it to the Frankfurt Dota Major Regional Qualifiers, scheduled to start this weekend. No Logic Gaming, Spac_Creators, ROOT Gaming and 4fats have secured their places in the Regional Qualifiers for a chance to compete among their invited peers.
October 9th, 20151Team Liquid has officially picked up 5Jungz, adding them to their already successful brand. The organization puts an end to their absence in the Dota 2 scene by signing Kuro "KuroKy" Salehi Takhasomi's new team.
Welcome to the team @LiquidKuroKy @LiquidMATUMBA @LiquidJerAx @LiquidMinD_ctrL @LiquidFATA! It's gonna be a...
October 8th, 20150The groups for the Frankfurt Dota Major Regional Qualifiers have been revealed, giving a glimpse into the first phase of the regional qualifiers set to take place this upcoming weekend, between October 10-14.
October 7th, 20153The list of talent and casters for the Frankfurt Dota Major Main Qualifiers has been revealed. Staff from ASUS ROG DreamLeague, joinDOTA and Moonduck Studios will travel to Sweden to cover two of the four regional qualifiers from the Monster Energy DreamHack Studios. The hub will provide coverage of the European and Chinese main...