The TI5 American Qualifiers group stage finished out with the top two teams in each group advancing into the playoffs. Matches start today, May 27, at 23:00 CEST.
UPDATE (August 7):
Stay on top of the TI5 main event: results and brackets, schedule, fixtures, streams, broadcast times.
NAR and Void Boys topped their Group, with 10 and respectively 7 points. NAR will be placed into the Upper Bracket, while Void Boys will begin the playoffs in the Lower Bracket.
In Group B, Complexity and Mousesports will advance to the playoffs. Complexity will face NAR in the Upper Brackets, and Mousesports will meet Void Boys in the Lower Brackets.
TI5 American Qualifiers Playoffs: format, brackets, schedule
- Double elimination bracket
- Best-of-three matches
- Best-of-five finals
- First place teams will start in the Upper Bracket.
- Runner-up teams will start in the Lower Bracket.
TI5 American Qualifiers streams
The TI5 American qualifiers are broadcast in English as part of the “Mega Hub” coverage provided by Twitch and the PGL studios. The Mega Hub coverage brings 35 Dota 2 personalities under the same roof.
The following Twitch channels provide 24/7 coverage of all of the matches:
- main casting stream: TI5sange
- secondary casting stream: TI5yasha
- third casting stream: TI5skadi
- lounge stream: TI5mango
TI5 American Qualifiers group stage results
TI5 American Qualifiers, day 2, Group A
Not Today vs. Void Boys
The game started with interesting lanes coming out from Not Today, as they put Clinkz mid instead of Shadow Fiend, which hurt SF quite a lot in the beginning, as Void Boys were tri-laning aggressively and SF was not able to have the free farm. At minute 10, the score was 0:3 for Void Boys. Clinkz turned out to be a good pick for Not Today, as he was able to create a lot of space for his teammates. Even though he struggled against some of the spells, he was able to put enough pressure and change Void Boys’ plays enough to impact their farm. At minute 20, the score was 10:11 in favor of Not Today. Viper picked up a blademail, which is very unusual. At minute 27, an attempt to take bottom barracks by VB resulted in half the team being killed, but that did not seem to phase them much, as they took Roshan immediately after respawn and kept the momentum going for themselves. At minute 41, VB took bottom racks successfully after multiple attempts. Shortly after that, they got a pick off on Shadow Fiend and took Roshan again and were able to head down midlane and end the game.
Winner: Void Boys
Amazing play coming out from Void Boys’ Lina, after being ganked by Shadow Fiend and Bounty Hunter. Lina managed to get a return kill on SF. The game was very aggressive for both teams and by minute five the score was 6:7 for Not Today. Not Today was starting to lose their slight lead, because VB’s lineup was stronger in the five vs. five fights, due to the Mekanism on Viper. At minute 20, the score was 16:21 in favor of VB. The Bounty Hunter pick did not payoff, as he was picked off multiple times and VB’s draft did not allow him to have enough impact. An attempt to push the bottom tower ended up getting VB five-man wiped with no trade. Night Stalker completed Aghanim Sceptor, giving VB a lot of vision for determining Clockwerk’s positioning. Void Boys took the mid barracks. Lina’s BKB purchase hurt Not Today, because Shadow Fiend’s sustainability from his Butterfly made him an easy kill. After a Roshan kill at minute 52, VB headed for Not Today’s base and ended the game.
Winner: Void Boys
Match points: Void Boys 3, Not Today 1
Wheel Whreck While Whistling vs. Leviathan
Leviathan went for a pushing lineup with Leshrac, Chen and Dragon Knight, while Wheel went for a more late game oriented pick with Naga Siren. Leviathan were able to successfully take towers. Even though Naga was farming really well, Leviathan’s heroes seemed to be the right choice against her, being able to clear out her illusions and strong enough to meet up with her late game. At minute 23 of the game, the kills were 5:5 and the net-worth was dead even, mostly due to Naga’s flash farm. At minute 25, Wheel lost bottom barracks. Leviathan was just farming and trying to buy time for Roshan to respawn. At minute 35, Leviathan was able to take mid barracks after killing Roshan. They tried to take top lane, but were unsuccessful and three of their heroes ended up dead. Wheel could not hold back the power of Dragon Knight and Leshrac. Their attempt to sneak a Roshan ended up with four of their heroes dead. Throughout the game, during Leviathans’ long disconnects, Wheel were very courteous and professional.
Winner: Leviathan
Leviathan’s Pudge pocket strategy seemed to have paid off once again, as Wheel were always in fear of random hooks coming. Wheel were not able to execute their Tiny-Io combo at its full potential, as they got caught off a few times during the game. The arcane boots picked up for Tiny were a questionable purchase. Except for the Tiny-Io pick, the other heroes seemed to be dead weight versus Leviathan’s picks. At minute 31, they lost the entire base and the game.
Winner: Leviathan
Match points: Leviathan 3, Wheel 0
Void Boys vs. NAR
First blood occurred on NAR’s Puck midlane, after a good rotation from Void Boys‘ supports. Even though it did not seem to be a good Clockwerk game, Arif “MSS” Anwar pulled of an amazing game. At minute 17, VB got four-man wiped by the bottom rune, without getting a single kill in return. VB’s aggressive play-style did not work well for them, as each time they left the base they would either die or be forced to use their BKBs. At minute 34, VB lost top barracks and, two minutes later, the mid barracks. At minute 38, the gold difference was 25k and there was not much left that could have helped them recover.
Winner: NAR
A Drow Range pick coming out from Void Boys with a five-ranged lineup. At minute ten, the score was 2:1 in favor of NAR, but not long after that NAR took the lead by 14:3. Steven “Korok” Ashworth managed a “Godlike” streak at minute 23. Shortly after that, NAR took Roshan and the top barracks. At minute 38, NAR took another Roshan and safely ended the game.
Winner: NAR
Match Points: NAR 3, Void Boys 0
Not Today vs Leviathan
It was clear that neither team had qualified for the playoffs and decided to have fun with the games instead. The first game went in the favor of Not Today but the second game was quite entertaining with a SmAsH Pudge and Leviathan Techies pick and a total of 149 kills.
Match Points
Not Today 3, Leviathan 0
TI5 American Qualifiers, day 2, Group B
Unknown vs. compLexity
First blood was secured by DarkSeer on Unknown. After a successful laning stage and multiple stacks, compLexity managed to pick up a dagger on Tiny, which helped to make their rotations easier and more effective. At minute 16, a tower dive by compLexity turned out to be a bad decision. After a pick off on Tiny-Io, at minute 26, Unknown took Roshan and were completely back in the game. At minute 32, compLexity landed a four-man wipe on Unknown. Both teams were playing really well with the exception of a few unnecessary dives from both sides. Unknown lost half their base and three heroes at 48 minutes into the game.
Winner: compLexity
Both teams started out very aggressive, and at minute 7 the score was 3:7 in compLexity’s favor. At minute 15, the score was 9:14 still in compLexity’s favor with net graph starting to side with compLexity. At minute 17, Phantom Lancer used his illusion to distract opponents and managed to delay his death enough to get Naix killed. compLexity’s Razor pick seemed to have been spot on, as it put a lot of pressure on Unknown and was the most farmed hero in the game. At minute 37, the game was starting to look bad for Unknown, as they gave up multiple kills to compLexity. A failed gank on Phantom lancer at minute 40 was the final blow for Unknown.
Winner: compLexity
Match points: compLexity 3, Unknown 0
Mousesports vs. Root Gaming
First blood was drawn by Mousesports on the bottom lane. Root’s Chen pick turned out to be very good, as they were able to take multiple towers and Roshan early game. That gave them a lot of map control, as they were able to sustain their efforts with Chen’s ulti and mekanism. The mid game got pretty quiet, as both teams were more farm oriented. The only thing that Root seemed to lack was a reliable stun, as they had trouble shutting down some heroes. Mousesports managed to repel Roots’ heavy push strategy which made Viper useless in later stages of the game, as his items were geared towards pushing and fighting instead of farming. Even though Root were starting to chip away at Mousesports’ base, they were lacking the power needed to deliver the final blow, as Viper had the same net-worth as Mousesports’ support, Ancient Apparition. A Roshan attempt by Root Gaming gave Mousesports a big opening to TP into base and make mega creeps. The game ended after 74 minutes.
Winner: Mousesports
By 13 minutes into the game, the score was 3:5 in favor of Mouz with both teams trying to kill creeps. The game was very farm oriented and both teams were trading kills evenly. Antimage was really farmed this game, but Root were able to control him in fights, decreasing his effectiveness especially in the mid game stage. Rubick stole AM’s blink and was able to always set up nice engagements and then escape. AM had seven items very early in the game, but that was not enough for Mouz to seal the game against Root. At minute 66, Root managed to take mid barracks and kill AM in the process. The Lina carry pick paid off well for Root Gaming, as it made it easier for them to shut down AM in fights. At minute 72, Root were able to kill half of Mousesports’ heroes and end the game.
Winner: Root Gaming
Match points: Mousesports 1, Root Gaming 1
compLexity vs. eHug
The game started with lanes going in favor of compLexity, with first blood scored on midlane by Warlock from compLexity on Puck. At minute 11, the score was 8:0 in favor of compLexity. At 18 minutes into the game, eHug tapped out with a score of 16:1.
Winner: compLexity
This game was already decided from the start, as eHug had a really strange pick. As soon as compLexity started to group up as five-man, push towers and get kills, eHug stood no chance. At minute 21, eHug lost mid barracks and the game was over not long afterwards.
Winner: compLexity
Match points: compLexity 3, eHug 0
Root Gaming vs. Unknown

ixmike88, USH, TC and FLUFFNSTUFF at last year’s D2CL LAN finals
Aggressive picks coming out from both teams with very high kill potential, but the difference was that Root had more mobile heroes than Unknown. At minute 9, the kill score was 1:5 in Root’s favor. The Mekanism coming out from Unknown’s Shadow Fiend helped sustain them in team fights but wasn’t enough to keep them all alive. The only really farmed hero for Unknown was Sven, but Root were able to counter him and he wasn’t much of a threat. At minute 24, the score was 4:15. Unknown didn’t appear to have a back up plan on how to get back into the game and when they tried, Root managed to outplay them. At minute 37, Root took mid barracks and Roshan and the game was over.
Winner: Root
When Unknown saw that Root was going for the Drow pick, they countered it with good team fighting heroes like Templar Assassin, Undying and Brew Master. Even though Root Gaming took the first three towers by ten minutes in, they were not able to keep the momentum going. After a Roshan attempt, Root ended up losing mid barracks. Everything started to fall apart for them and “GG” was called at minute 31.
Winner: Unknown
Match points: Root 1, Unknown 1
eHug vs. Root Gaming
Both teams were already eliminated from the competition. There were many kills during the game: more than 30 in only 10 minutes. “GG” was called after 29 minutes.
Winner: Root Gaming
Everyone from Root Gaming switched their roles. After the first 16 minutes, the score was 16:11 in favor of eHug. Root had no way to respond to eHug’s Furion and Leshrac with their Doom pick. Storm Spirit was the only hero on Root Gaming’s lineup that was doing well, but it wasn’t enough to give them the victory. At minute 37, they lost top barracks and mid tower and “GG” was called.
Winner: eHug
Match points: Root Gaming 1, eHug 1
Unknown vs. Mousesports
First blood was scored on top lane by Beastmaster on Mousesports. Nine minutes into the game, the score was 4:1 in Mousesports’ favor. One of Unknown’s downfalls was that they allowed Clockwerk to get fast levels on the offlane. At minute 24, Naga Siren had 326 creeps and was keeping the lanes pushed all over the map. Unknown’s supports were struggling to fight it, forcing fights that didn’t go in their favor. Even though both Slark and Lina were pretty farmed themselves, they were not able to deal with the overwhelming Naga Siren and the other cores that were extremely farmed as well. Mousesports took the bottom barracks at minute 36, after killing Roshan.
Winner: Mousesports
The outcome for the TI5 American Qualifiers group stage had already been decided at this point. Mousesports first picked Pudge and Earthshaker as carry. At minute 10, the score was 5:15 in favor of Mousesports. The game ended in 20 minutes.
Winner: Mousesports
Match points: Mousesports 3, Unknown 0
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