July 5th, 201617Astro Malaysia Holdings has launched eGG, Southeast Asia’s first dedicated 24/7 HD esports channel. eGG - an acronym for "Every Good Game" - plans to air numerous League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, StarCraft II tournaments. eGG will also experiment with other areas of content,...
December 8th, 20150ESL have officially announced ESL One Manila - the organization's first Dota 2 tournament to be held in Southeast Asia. ESL One Manila will be organized in collaboration with PLDT Fibr and GameX and is expected to be Southeast Asia’s largest esports event to date. A local Filipino Dota 2 team will be invited to compete alongside some...
April 13th, 20151SouthEast Asian team Rave Dota continue to work on resolving their immigration and visa troubles, with the continued support from a Phillipines senator and considerable media coverage.
April 1st, 20150Team Malaysia (MY) has secured the SouthEast Asian spot for the StarLadder StarSeries XII LAN playoffs and finals to be held at Dreamhack Bucharest, between April 24-26. MY will be representing SEA, after winning the three game grand finals for the region versus MVP.Phoenix.