May 27th, 20165WellPlay LootMarket Invitational will begin at the end of May with a $3,000 prize-pool. The third edition of the WellPlay monthly tournament series is brought to life in partnership with LootMarket and will feature seven invited teams and one qualified team. Four invited teams will battle it out for the one qualifier spot, beginning at...
May 19th, 201611ProDotA will be hosting the ProDotA Global Grand Master tournament starting in July. Eight teams - Team Liquid, Alliance, Na'Vi, Vega and four qualified teams will compete for the $50,000 prize pool in the first ProDotA top tier event. The competition will kick off on July 15 with closed qualifiers.
After six seasons of the ProDota...
March 3rd, 20162A new ProDota lineup has been confirmed to include three new players. Dmitry “Ax.Mo” Morozov will play in the offlane position, Arsenij “ArsZeeqq” Usov will assume the role of captain, and Ylli "Garter" Ramadani will be taking on the carry role. Axmo has most recently played for Na'Vi, while ArsZeeqq has an extensive history of...
February 21st, 20160Dota 2 Stars Arena is getting ready to kick off next week, February 29th, with the closed qualifiers. Four teams - Samurai Champloo, Team Averia, Burden United and PRIES - have been directly invited to compete in these qualifiers. The teams will be battling it out for the one qualifier spot in the main event. Seven teams - T.RoX,...
February 18th, 20160Click Storm Dota 2 League qualifiers and playoffs are drawing to an end. The eight qualified teams will be determined by early next week. The qualified squads will then compete alongside eight invited teams - Samurai Champloo, YeS, Abraxas, Elements Pro Gaming, ProDota, PRIES, Team Alternate and Oogway. All 16 teams will be fighting for...
February 4th, 20160Tornado RoX roster is changing. Vadim "Sedoy" Musorin has parted ways with the team. Maxim "TpoH" Vernikov will be joining the team in his place. The CIS squad has had a strong presence in the European scene, participating in various online tournaments and qualifiers. They are currently participating in Rumble Town, Dota Pit Season 4 and...
February 4th, 20160Rumble Town online tournament began their first season yesterday. It started with the closed qualifiers which will conclude tomorrow night, February 5th. Two teams - ENSO and one TBD- will advance to join six directly invited teams - STARK, Burden United, ProDota, AD FINEM, Averia and T.RoX - in the main event scheduled to take place Feb...
January 17th, 20160WePlay League returns to Dota 2 after a two year hiatus. This time, it brings along a $200,000 prize pool, four sets and a LAN in Kiev. Four regional qualifiers will be held to give four teams an opportunity to join the four invited teams in the Ukraine for the playoffs May 6-8th.
Do you want more our games? We are invited to WePlay...
January 6th, 20160The first day of round two of the Shanghai Major Open Qualifiers has come to an end. Thirty-two teams are left to compete for a spot in the four Regional Qualifiers - China, Europe, Americas and SouthEast Asia. Out of the remaining teams, Burden United, STARK, London Conspiracy, Danish Bears, E-Lab, ATN, Kaipi, Rave, iDeal, Underminer,...
January 3rd, 20160The first day of the Shanghai Major EU Open Qualifiers has come to an end. Thirty-two teams are left to compete for a spot in the European Regional Qualifiers. Out of the remaining teams, Steak Gaming, MamasBoys, STARK, London Conspiracy, Big Red Machine, AD Finem, Clique, Danish Bears, YeS, E-Lab, ATN, Spin2Win, and Kaipi are still in...