August 26th, 20150MVP.Phoenix have completed their roster to include a combination from both of the organization's teams - MVP.Hot6ix and MVP.Phoenix. The new all-Korean lineup includes: Park "March" Tae-won, Kim "QO" Seon-yeob, Kim "Febby" Yong-min, Pyo "MP" No-a, and Lee "Heen" Seung-gon.
July 26th, 20151In the Southeast Asian region, which is typically given only one spot to represent a series of small countries, Korean team MVP.Phoenix has to compete heavily in order to keep themselves in the spotlight and gain international experience. During the past year, with the emergence of teams such as Rave and Fnatic (formerly known as Team...
April 11th, 20150MLG Columbus 2015 ProLeague Championship kicked off today, in Ohio. The six teams were scheduled for two matches each in the Round Robin phase, designed to seed out the top four teams into a Step Ladder format.
March 27th, 20150Signature.Trust and MVP.Phoenix will be the two teams from the second SEA group to advance into the second group stage of StarLadder StarSeries XII. Nvidia Aces and G-Guard have been eliminated for the season.