August 28th, 20164Lu "Maybe" Yao has left LGD Gaming earlier today, according to the Dota 2 Majors registration page. One week ago, Sun "Agressif" Zheng has also parted ways with the Chinese organization. LGD Gaming ended their International 6 run with a dismaying 9th-12th place, after being forced to play with a substitute, due to Xue "September"...
August 20th, 20161Sun "Agressif" Zheng has parted ways with LGD Gaming after five months of playing with the Chinese giants. LGD Gaming took 9-12th at TI6 after a more shaky performance than hoped for due to the last minute roster changes with substitute player Wang "Banana" Jiao standing in for Xue "September" Zhichuan due to visa issues.
March 18th, 20160LGD Gaming have announced their new roster for the upcoming Manila Major and TI6 season. On the heels of the much public departure of Liu "Sylar" Jiajun and Fan “rOtk” Bai, Zhang “xiao8” Ning returns from being inactive and is joined by CDEC's famed Sun "Agressif" Zheng and CDEC.Avenger player Xue "September" Zhichuan.
August 13th, 20150Five days have passed since The International 5 has come to an end. Evil Geniuses defeated CDEC, 3:1, in the grand finals to grab the prestigious Aegis of Champions. The astounding prize pool of over $18 million dollars, the first ever Wild Card team to make it to the grand finals and the first North American team to be awarded The...
August 8th, 20152A true Cinderella story in the making, CDEC has gone from rags to riches in the course of less than two weeks. Without having a single championship title in their career, they have become the first team to secure themselves a spot in the Grand Finals. With a minimum prize pool earning of $2,842,192 for second place and the potential of...