Underlord, or better known as PitLord by DotA 1 players, is expected to be released today into game play. The melee hero is the last DotA hero to become a part of Dota 2 and fans have eagerly awaited his arrival for years. The hero is expected to be overwhelmingly prevelant in pub games immediately.
Vrogros, the Underlord is the last remaining DotA hero that had not yet been migrated to Dota 2 play. The melee strength hero was originally named “Azgalor, the PitLord” in DotA. Fans had called for PitLord release for years, favoring his ultimate spell allowing up to the entire team to teleport together to various points on the map.
During the TI6 All Star Match, it was revealed that the hero’s official release into game play is expected to be today, August 23rd alongside an update to the post-game UI.
Underlord Underlord Underlord
Underlord abilities
Vrogros the Underlord is a commanding support whose presence is crucial to his team’s success. With his long-lasting abilities, Underlord is able to control wide areas of the battlefield during teamfights.
Raining down damage with Firestorm, he clears out creeps and discourage enemies from approaching
- Each wave takes 1 second to come down except the first wave. The first wave hits 0.9 second after cast and the last wave hits 6 seconds after cast, total duration is 7 seconds.
- The burn debuff does not stack per interval. Each interval refreshes its duration, resulting in 7 possible burn damage intervals.
- Can deal up to 185/310/435/560 total damage (before reductions) when all waves hit and the debuff is not dispelled.
Pit of Malice
One of the best area disables in the game, Pit of Malice presents a very large obstacle for enemies, especially melee attackers. With it, Underlord can catch and trap numerous opponents, making him a potent and dangerous opponent in any teamfight.
- A unit can be disabled by this ability only once per cast.
- Roots the affected units, affected units can still turn, cast spells, use items and attack.
- Disables the following spells: Blink, Teleportation, Charge of Darkness, Phase Shift, Tricks of the Trade and Blink Dagger.
- Pit of Malice interrupts channeling spells of the target upon rooting, but affected units can channel spells during it.
- Pit of Malice reveals invisible units for the duration.
Atrophy Aura
Enemies’ base attack is reduced around Underlord by his Atrophy Aura, making Underlord more durable than most supports, and helping his team survive longer in fights. At the same time, Atrophy Aura allows him to accumulate damage from the deaths of nearby enemies, temporarily giving him high physical damage.
- Only decreases base attack damage and that given by the primary attribute of the affected units. Raw bonus damage is not decreased.
- The aura’s debuff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
- Each damage increment per dying unit lasts for the set duration. Gaining more damage does not refresh the duration of the previous increments.
- Does not gain attack damage from dying illusions, Meepo clones, Tempest Doubles and Tombstone zombies
- Does gain attack damage from dying wards and buildings.
Dar Rift (Ultimate)
With his Dark Rift, he can teleport his entire team across the map, taking enemies by surprise, and pushing in lanes while the other team is dead or out of position.
- Can be cast on any allied Unit, except Wards.
- When targeting the ground, it searches for the nearest valid target within 3500 range of the targeted point and teleports towards it.
- Upon cast, Dark Rift is replaced by Cancel Dark Rift for its duration.
- Can teleport invulnerable, but not hidden units. Only teleports heroes (including clones, excluding illusions).
- The targeted unit’s priority is lowered, meaning it is attacked as the last auto attack target by other units.
- When Underlord or the teleport target dies during the delay, the spell is canceled.
- Replaces Dark Rift until the teleport finishes or this spell is cast.
- Does not interrupt Underlord’s channeling spells upon cast.
- Dark Rift still goes on cool down when it gets canceled.
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