November 1st, 201723In a world full of a variety of electronic games, it is sometimes difficult to spot which one is best fitting for you. This article is meant to educate some of the...
December 13th, 2016525The Dota 7.00 patch makes Dota 2 a new game at fundamental levels. Here are ten important changes you need to know before you boot Dota 7.00.
Preface: I started...
October 19th, 201628A new Dota 2 Bot API is in the works. Once completed, the project would allow for anybody to create their own bots and also improve the quality, options and difficulty...
May 22nd, 201643In modern Dota 2, drafting makes a huge difference and more often than not it’s going to be your biggest challenge. BecomeTheGamer - through their drafting assistant -...
April 26th, 201631Most Dota 2 players get excited about patch changes, but most Dota 2 players are also far from professional. It's about as reasonable to memorize novel-sized patch notes...
January 11th, 201644If you're anything like me, you've accumulated hundreds of seemingly worthless Dota 2 items over the years. Just last month, out of curiosity, I went into my armory and...
December 18th, 201536By now you’ve read the patch notes and seen some of the changes, but 6.86 is a massive patch. We’re going to be finding new game interactions for weeks, if not...
December 6th, 201524The Frankfurt Major was the first tournament of the new circuit implemented by Valve. Spanning over several days, with 99 games played, the tournament has plenty of...
November 24th, 20154Often the fastest way to estimate a tournament’s hero balance is to look at the most banned heroes rather than the most picked heroes.
If few heroes were always...