April 2nd, 20151Both Team Secret and Cloud 9 defeat Asus.Polar, grabbing the two Summit 3 LAN slots for the European Region. Team Secret grabbed the first EU LAN spot, sending ASUS.Polar to the Lower Brackets, after a 3-2 victory. Asus.Polar then fought Cloud 9 for the second LAN spot, in the last match of the playoffs. They lost 3-0, giving Cloud 9 the...
March 20th, 20150The CIS region shuffle continues to make chaos as Vega Squadron and Power Rangers both report changes in their rosters on the same day. Power Rangers lose another player, as Akbar "Sonneiko" Butaev departs, while Haled "sQreen" Al-Habbash will replace Maxim "Tpoh" Vernikov in Vega Squadron. For Power Rangers, this is their second team...
March 9th, 201569Natus Vincere transfers former ASUS.Polar offlaner, Olexandr “DKPhobos” Kucheria, in spite of Polar management’s opposition. DKPhobos will be replacing Na’Vi’s Gleb “Funn1k” Lipatnikov.
According to Natus Vincere’s official statement, Olexandr “DKPhobos” Kucheria’s desire to join the team weighed heavily with the...