September 28th, 201581Every Jim and his manager has put out a patch analysis of some kind. Most of them are very specialized or many hours long. This is not that. This is a patch note look for people who want to understand patch changes and not just people who want to know them.
June 23rd, 201543Recently I was checking out at the grocery store, a full assortment of rice, pizza rolls, and various canned beans (you know - a balanced diet) ready to be paid for when I made a terrifying realization: I had forgotten my wallet. I had a $20 bill on me, and I had to filter down everything I wanted to buy into quite a bit less.
June 6th, 201530The last two months have been a busy time for the Internet’s favorite milliner. Although it may feel like Rome rose and fell in a shorter time than it's taking Valve to release the International immortals, in reality this newest patch has just begun to grow chest hair.
Six weeks ago, analysts, fans and pro players speculated what...