ESL One New York has come to an end amid a flurry of excitement and unexpected outcomes, as Vega Squadron cruised to the grand finals to defeat Team Secret, 2:1, and claim the championship title. The team that stuck together despite failing to advance to the main event in TI5 outplayed and outclassed all of their opponents in their impressive run in New York.
Team Secret managed to sweep through CDEC, 2:0, in the semifinals. Despite the outcome, CDEC played incredible games and continued to impress fans with their signature aggression, team plays and coordination.
Holding on during matches that other teams would have crumbled quickly in, they were not able to overcome Team Secret’s drafts and farming skills.
Falling behind in the first game of the second semifinals, Vega Squadron overwhelmingly triumphed over Invictus Gaming, 2:1, in the end.
Their signature coordination and impeccable timings in combos led to their success once again.
The Grand Finals were just as intense as what became expected after Vega’s stellar performances and Team Secret’s strong victories.
Packed with excitement and much aggression, the series went back and forth, eventually giving way to Vega’s success.
ESL One New York results, day 2
Team Secret 2:0 CDEC

Team Secret MiSeRy at ESL One New York
In the first game, CDEC countered for Team Secret’s Broodmother by placing two different sentry wards in the lane and claimed an early first blood and a follow-up kill on the hero that was expected to be their biggest thorn in their side from the very beginning. The third pick-off in the game was on the Broodmother, shutting Rasmus “MiSeRy” Filipsen down in his lane early. It would take 9 minutes before Team Secret would be able to register a kill on the board, but CDEC continued to easily win their fights and engagements. However, playing the safe game and continuing to farm away, Team Secret were in the lead with gold and items and were eventually able to turn the game in their favor and claim the first victory.
The second game drafts for Team Secret included the Alchemist mid seen yesterday with Invictus Gaming, Broodmother for MiSeRy again and another seemingly old favorite – Necrophos. CDEC picked up the first Invoker of the event. The game started much better for MiSeRy, as he was able to claim revenge with first blood in just over one minute. With Aliwi “w33” Omar and MiSeRy topping the networth charts, CDEC hung on surprisingly well and kept things going in hopes of turning the game. The Chinese were unable to find the opening, and Team Secret claimed the second victory.
At 8479, Wee's Alch has the 8th highest net worth at 15 minutes on the hero since records started. @NahazDota
— Brian Peddie (@ThatPhageGuy) October 4, 2015
ESL One New York results: Team Secret swept through CDEC, 2:0, advancing to the grand finals and eliminating CDEC from the event.
Invictus Gaming 1:2 Vega Squadron

Vega Squadron at ESL One New York
The first game of the series started with an Ember Spirit pick for Invictus Gaming and some traditional 6.84 trademark picks, such as Lina, Queen of Pain and Gyrocopter for Vega Squadron. Vega were able to pull first blood and grab the lead in the laning phase and early game. However, IG’s mobility heroes allowed for them to have better control of the map and make more kills, giving them the space to take the lead in gold and experience around mid-game. IG started outmaneuvering the CIS team and became so tanky that it was becoming increasingly difficult for Vega to be able to take down any heroes. With 54 kills in 38 minutes, the game was a pure bloodbath. IG managed to claim the first game of the series.
Vega Squadron drafted an interesting lineup featuring Ursa, Tusk and Beastmaster, while Invictus Gaming went with a more greedy lineup including the now favored Alchemist mid-lane. Before the creeps even spawned in the second game of the series, a 5 vs. 5 fight broke out on the bottom lane with teams exchanging blows but no deaths. First blood was later claimed by Vega Squadron on Alchemist mid-lane, at two minutes in. Vega continued to maintain their set pace and start throughout the game, keeping control and steadily building networth and experience in their favor until about mid-game, when they snowballed forward to tie the series up with their victory. Vega pushed the semifinals into a deciding third game to determine the finalists who would play Team Secret, later in the day.
With a strong fighting lineup from Vega in the third game of the semifinals, the CIS team had already warned Invictus Gaming of their intent to fight hard to remain in the tournament. Although IG were able to get first blood, 12 minutes in a beautifully executed team-play resulted in a triple kill for No[o]ne and established Vega’s dominance in the game. A long-range Ice Blast from Alexei “Solo” Berezin hit three of Invictus Gaming’s heroes, followed by a global Silence from Semion “CemaTheSlayer” Krivulya, giving Vladimir “No[o]ne” Minenko the ability to follow-up with a Sonic Wave and make the triple kill. The coordination was spot-on and exactly what fans have come to know and love about the squad. Vega continued to execute their plays and strategy well and easily took the third game victory.
ESL One New York results: Vega Squadron outplayed Invictus Gaming, 2:1, advancing to the grand finals to face Team Secret and eliminating Invictus Gaming from the tournament.
ESL One New York Grand Finals – Team Secret 1:2 Vega Squadron
The draft for the first game of the best-of-three series included a Tiny-Io combo and Disruptor for Vega Squadron and Elder Titan and WindRanger for Team Secret – heroes they are all known for playing exceptionally well and have had success with. While Vega were able to secure the first blood on MiSeRy, w33haa was topping the chart for networth on his WindRanger, a feat he had accomplished prior in the event with the hero. However, once again, the incredible team work and combinations coming out from Vega were enough to outplay Secret. Vega Squadron ended the game in their favor, in 36 minutes.
The second game of the series saw signature heroes coming out from both sides – w33haa on Meepo and a Broodmother for Mag~ – as both teams attempted to ensure a win. w33haa had some great plays and Team Secret‘s laning phase went well for them, as they managed to shut down Broodmother, grabbing the advantage early on. Secret were able to keep their foothold on the game and continued to advance easily, with Vega starting to crumble beneath them. In 25 minutes, the game was over and Team Secret had tied the series, forcing a deciding third game.
While MiSeRy was doing well in his lane for the third game of the grand finals, Team Secret were gradually losing their other lanes due to Vega Squadron’s aggressive ganks. Vega continued to play very aggressively. The fights went back and forth for the most part, but as Shadow Fiend continued to build his networth, Vega started to come up on top and get stronger. Eventually, the CIS team became difficult to manage. Vega went all out to secure the win and claim the deciding game and the ESL One New York championship title.
ESL One New York results: Vega Squadron claimed the series and championship title from Team Secret, 2:1.
ESL One New York prize pool distribution
The base prize pool is $250,000. As of September 30, the total fund has reached $286,622 through crowdfunding.
- 1st place – Vega Squadron – $114,649
- 2nd place – Team Secret – $57,324
- 3rd place – Invictus Gaming $28,662
- 4th place – CDEC – $28,662
- 5th place – Evil Geniuses – $14,331
- 6th place – Virtus.Pro – $14,331
- 7th place – Team Archon – $14,331
- 8th place – Fnatic – $14,331
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