Alliance have officially announced the departure of Gustav “s4” Magnusson, Henrik “AdmiralBulldog” Ahnberg and Joakim “Akke” Akterhall. Their replacements on the squad remain unknown, for the time being. However, Alliance have until September 18th to try out players and finalize their roster for the upcoming season.
Changes to Alliance's Dota 2 Roster.
— Alliance (@theAllianceGG) August 28, 2016
The announcement regarding the roster changes was made on the team’s website and the split-up was handled with decorum and professionalism, despite recent leaks and rumors.
According to the team’s public statement, Gustav “s4” Magnusson and Henrik “AdmiralBulldog” Ahnberg will continue their competitive careers elsewhere, while Joakim “Akke” Akterhall “has decided to leave the current team, but his future with Alliance remains undecided” and his status will be clarified at a later date.
AdmiralBulldog has disclosed via that he might take a break until after the next Dota 2 Major.
Teams have until September 4th to release players from their current rosters in preparation for the upcoming season. New players can then be added between September 4th-18th. The rosters will become locked on September 18th, at 12:00AM PDT.
Alliance current roster:
Gustav “s4” Magnusson
Jonathan “Loda” Berg
Joakim “Akke” Akterhall
Henrik “AdmiralBulldog” Ahnberg
Jerry “EGM” Lundkvist
Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes
Statements regarding the recent Alliance roster changes
Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes

Gustav “s4” Magnusson © DotaBlast
I will part ways with my friends to continue my journey in competitive Dota. It’s sad that we couldn’t make it work, but I wish my former teammates the best of luck and that they continue to stay strong!
— Gustav “s4” Magnusson
Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes

Henrik “AdmiralBulldog” Ahnberg © ESL
Seeing as s4 is leaving Alliance I felt there is need for change for myself as well. It was fun having our reunion and winning two LANs together, but I will not be in the new Alliance roster. I’m not sure what my future holds, but I wish my ex-teammates the best of luck.
— Henrik “AdmiralBulldog” Ahnberg
Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes

Jonathan “Loda” Berg, Alliance © DotaBlast
It’s almost a year since we started to get the team back together again, first us four, then EGM, and when finally Kelly returned things really felt like they used to. It’s been an amazing experience playing with these guys again. Traveling/playing/going to the movies. We had our up and downs, winning WCA and StarLadder was amazing, fighting our way to TI again indescribable and reaching Winners’ Brackets at TI made us feel redeemed. We got back together again to do our thing and we reached for the top, but faltered along the way. It sucks, but now we all need a change. We had a lot of fun along the way, but all good things have to come to an end. I’ll miss you guys. Thanks to the fans for all the support and never stop believing, you guys are what makes me keep fighting for Alliance.
— Jonathan “Loda” Berg
Alliance’s 2015-2016 season
Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes

Alliance during The International 6 © Valve
In December 2015, Alliance recreated the lineup which brought them the Aegis of Champions at The International 3, by bidding welcome to former teammate and long-time friend, Jerry “EGM” Lundkvist.
Barely two weeks later, they nailed down their first championship title in one year and a half, at WCA 2015.
Less than a month later, they continued to sizzle, burning down the North American TI5 champions, EG, to take their second consecutive premier LAN championship title at the StarLadder iLeague StarSeries. Their games featured perfect execution and optimal team coordination, expected of a team that was once considered a Western juggernaut.
Alliance slipped a few notches, taking 7th-8th place at the Shanghai Major, where they were eliminated in a major upset by compLexity Gaming, 2:1. They then took the 5th-6th place at Starladder iLeague Dota Invitational and again at EPICENTER Moscow.
Placing in the 9th-12th ranks at the Manila Major, Alliance went on to finish 5th-6th at ESL One Frankfurt 2016 and third at Global Grand Masters.
Having been denied a direct invite for The International 6 following a year of hard work and slow but steady improvement in their results, the Swedes held their head high and rolled up their sleeves to once again prove their worth and claim the European qualifier spot.
Following a commendable run in the group stage, Alliance took their spot in the Main Event’s Upper Brackets, only to have their run cut short in the second round of the Lower Brackets. Fnatic put the final nail in Alliance’s coffin with an astounding two-game sweep, and the Swedes were left with a disappointing 9th-12th placement.
Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes
Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes Alliance roster changes
(969 comments)Alliance is… Not back. Sad boys for the dong master. Back to streaming for bulldog. Sad to see s4 and specially akke leaving [A].
August 29, 2016 at 5:11 am