Team Empire has put an end to the speculation and uncertainty surrounding their roster for the upcoming Frankfurt Majors Open Qualifiers. Since the squad has undergone roster changes after the deadline of the roster lock, the team will be participating in the open event starting tomorrow, October 6. The squad has been confirmed to include players; nofear, Resolut1on, Silent, yoky- and ALOHADANCE.
Our final roster to participate in Frankfurt Major Open Qualifiers:
nofear (c)
— Team Empire (@team_empire) October 4, 2015
Team Empire announced the new composition of their squad for the Frankfurt Major Open Qualifiers, that are scheduled to start on October 6th.
Over the last month we have tested a lot of players and the choice was very difficult to make. First of all, we are pleased to announce the return of the Maxim “yoky-” Kim! Fifth player is another former player of team newteam123 – Alexander “Nofear” Churochkina. The present composition is on bootcamp in Moscow, where the boys will play the Open and, hopefully, Regional Qualifiers for the Major tournament in Frankfurt.
Team Empire roster changes
Team Empire announced a part of their roster changes for the new season at the end of August. The Russian organization parted ways with Maxim “yoky” Kim and Andrey “ALWAYSWANNAFLY” Bondarenko and welcomed Ivan “ubah” Kapustin and Andrey “The_apathy” Aleshkov.
Team Empire was the first to find themselves in a precarious position. When one of their new members, Andrew “The_apathy” Aleshkov, was recruited before the deadline, he was unable to register with Empire since he had already accepted his invite to team aSpera. His commitment to the latter team resulted in a locked position, leaving him unable to be kicked or leave on his own.
With several days left in the transfer window, the teams approached Valve for help to rectify the incident. Valve’s response remained hard lined, reminding the teams of the rules and criteria in the new system.
Already losing the ability to participate with their chosen lineup in the Regional Qualifiers and being faced with the decision to play with their designated substitute or play in the Open Qualifiers, the team chose the latter. Once they were already in the unfortunate situation of having to take the long road in hopes to play in the Frankfurt Majors, they used the time to their advantage to try various players in order to find the mix they hope to excel with.
Team Empire roster

Current Team Empire squad bootcamping in Moscow
Airat “Silent” Gaziev
Roman “Resolut1on” Fominok
Maxim “yoky” Kim
Ilya “ALOHADANCE” Korobkin
Alexander “NoFear” Churochkin
Frankfurt Major Open Qualifiers
The Open Qualifiers will be hosted by FaceIt and Perfect World and will take place between October 6–9.
The winning teams will advance to participate in the Regional Qualifiers, which will take place between October 10-13.
There will be two opportunities for teams and individual players to compete in the Open Qualifiers for the Frankfurt Majors. Two rounds of Open Qualifier dates have been set to be hosted – The first Open Qualifier will take place on 6th and 7th October, while the second Open Qualifier will take place on 8th and 9th October. Teams are able to register and participate in both sets of events.
Frankfurt Major Open Qualifier Schedule
1st Open Qualifier
Day 1 – Tuesday, 6th October:
- SEA – Start time: 15:00 SGT – Registration
- Europe – Start time: 15:00 CEST – Registration
- Americas – Start time: 14:00 CDT – Registration
Day 2 – Wednesday, 7th October:
- SEA – Start time: 13:00 SGT
- Europe – Start time: 13:00 CEST
- Americas – Start time: 13:00 CDT
2nd Open Qualifier
Day 1 – Tuesday, 8th October:
- SEA – Start time: 15:00 SGT – Registration
- Europe – Start time: 15:00 CEST – Registration
- Americas – Start time: 14:00 CDT – Registration
Day 2 – Wednesday, 9th October:
- SEA – Start time: 13:00 SGT
- Europe – Start time: 13:00 CEST
- Americas – Start time: 13:00 CDT
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