The latest update from Valve includes a change in matchmaking for this weekend. For now, groups will not be able to search for a match in ranked matchmaking, and Random Draft and Captains Mode have been removed from solo ranked matchmaking. According to Valve the changes are for this weekend as a test, however, there is much skepticism that the changes will be implemented on a more permanent or longer basis.
Valve’s new updates include some experimental changes in matchmaking “for this weekend”.
The changes appear to focus on making a much more pleasant experience for players, especially those who queue as solo players – a complaint that was voiced multiple times by professional and casual players alike.
By removing ranked matchmaking as an option for stacks and parties, hope is for a much smoother and less frustrating experience for solo players that get matched up with the groups.
Match-making changes
- Parties can only play in unranked matches
- Ranked matchmaking no longer has Captain’s Mode or Random Draft
- Unranked All Pick now follows the same picking order as Ranked All Pick
While many players in the West haven’t given much thought to the removal of Random Draft in ranked matchmaking, it appears that it quite popular in China and sure to cause an upset.
The removal of Random Draft in ranked is a huge blow to the Chinese scene. It’s basically the only mode they play.
— Matthew Bailey (@Cyborgmatt) March 4, 2017
Additional updates
Four additional updates have been implemented worthy of noting:
- Added an in-game hero inspection panel
- Teleport destination effects now show a visual indicator of the teleporting hero
- The maximum rank new accounts can calibrate to has been lowered
- Fixed a bug with item right-click menus sometimes requiring two clicks
Teleport markers now visualize the hero that is teleporting to that destination. #Dota2
— Wykrhm Reddy (@wykrhm) March 4, 2017
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